- 04 77 75 22 90
- Tonga Terre d'Accueil,
Espace Zoologique,
© Copyright Tonga Terre d'Accueil
This is the illegal trade in wild animals . Its impact is, on certain species, more significant than deforestation, urbanization or pollution.
Animals can be captured alive for the pet trade or killed for part of their body (fur, scales, horns, teeth, etc.).
The vast majority of the animals we collect come from private breeding in France or other European countries and are not taken from the wild. Felines in particular reproduce very well in captivity.
Our shelter allows the authorities to enforce the law: seize illegally detained animals and prosecute traffickers, because they have a structure to place these animals. Our shelter takes care of animals and does not have a section dedicated to trials. We do not take part in court decisions.
Education is essential. Our job is also to raise awareness, at our level, about the stupidity of keeping wild animals.